Monday, October 21

Memento Vivere - Remember to Live

I finally got around to getting a copy of Flyleaf's 'Remember to Live EP'.
As I started reading from the album booklet, the words on the page really dug deep into my heart & tore me apart from within.

So would really like to share in the hopes that the following words may also have some meaning to you. That it may help you gain a wider perspective & may also provide comfort & healing if needed.

Tuesday, October 15

Haven't Done This in Awhile

So I signed up for a short term mission at the end of the year.
And I got asked to submit a 300 word testimony.

The last time I did one was when I got baptized, around four-ish years ago?
Now that I think back to it... I didn't even know what I was writing... *laughs*

But now I do, so I would like to share.

Made Perfect in Weakness

Hey guys,
So this past weekend I just had the amazing opportunity of leading my first small group session. Now that I think back, it's something I've wanted to do for a while now, but never felt capable of.

I wasn't capable.
The night before, I'd completely drained myself from final preparations & I pretty much just collapsed onto bed. I woke up a bit earlier the morning before to do a bit more preparation - I was physically drained.

I hadn't even had time to read through my script out loud, I knew I wasn't able to do this well.
But I knew God could.

Throughout the presentation, I didn't even have to try, words just naturally flowed out of me. I wasn't even nervous. It just happened.

It definitely wasn't by my own power. God had done something great here.
Even though I felt physically weak, I was ill prepared, I still had the passion to share His message. And I really felt Him using it according to His will.

I'm about to share my word-for-word script (warning: it's a long read).
I seriously couldn't have written all of it in the amount of time I did it in. I just can't be inspired so much for so long. God really inspired me as I was writing. So I hope that what you read, may not be my words to you, but God's message to you.

Tuesday, October 8

The Ideal World

I'm sure at some point, we've desired for an 'Ideal World'.
Ideally, "I would be able to do this", "this would happen this way", "the world would be like this".

For many of us though, we picture an ideal world to be one without pain & suffering. One where everyone is at peace, there are no conflicts, no diseases or sicknesses, no natural disasters. Everyone would live a cherishing life & return to the grave happily - or even not at all.
There would be no stress in our daily lives - we would live happily ever after~
