Sunday, March 22

We Forget We Aren't Invincible

Yay, I made it back just in time before the blog is going to seem 'dead' again. (I hope)
To make it easier on myself, I'll probably be starting with actual life updates while I hopefully get back into the groove of blogging again.

To be honest, I probably shouldn't be here writing procrastinative thoughts, but this is better than actually procrastinating right?

Friday, March 13

Pokemon, Procrastination, & Productivity

I swear, the amount of blog posts where I have to remind you that my blog isn't dead is building up. I hope this will be the last one.

My holidays have come to an end and I just got through my first week of Uni as I feel obligated to say. But let's not dig into Uni just yet cause who likes talking about Uni anyway?
