Tuesday, December 23

Let's keep this going

Let's turn some negative energy into positive energy.

I realized I finished off on a pretty negative note last time.

So all hasn't been bad.
I can be super cliché and say "there's always a silver lining" or "there's always a light at end of the tunnel", but...
Actually, I just did.

Sunday, December 7

Critical Morales

Now that I've gone over the lighter stuff, I can dig right into the deeper stuff that's been going on in my life.

I have to admit that ever since I decided to leave God, I've changed.
Not for the good in most cases.
There has frankly been alot more negativity.

Now that I'm stuck in Hong Kong with just my mom and sister, the amount of negativity I can contain inside of me has been pushed way too far.
I am miserable.

Life Update on my Blog? What is this?!

Well this is long overdue.
There's so much I want to write about, but so little time.
I've hit the point where I need to write something, or else I'll go insane.

I'm in Hong Kong right now, and will be for the next month more.
Even though I'm supposedly on a holiday overseas, I have very mixed feelings of my experiences. But before I get into it, I'll just update you guys on my pretty boring holidays so far.

What follows is pretty much all that has happened to me in the past month or so. It's been so uneventful that I can actually list out...
