Monday, March 25

The One Downfall

So I was having a nice start to refreshing week.

I was completely freed from my first job last Friday, which I have to say was extremely stressful but also an amazing experience. On top of that, I also had one of the best weekends I've had in a long time, spending time with really good friends, watching an amazing movie (Silver Linings Playbook) being able to attend and lead worship, I was so grateful for everything & was in high in spirits for the coming week.

Monday, March 18

When Everything Falls Apart

It falls, apart, from the very start, it falls apart, 
seems like everything I touch, falls apart, 
everything around me, falls apart, 
when i walk away from you~

Throughout this past week, I have experienced everything around me falling apart.
It seemed to just all happen at once, as if a wall suddenly crumbling.
It all happened because I allowed the absence of one important thing in my life.

Sunday, March 3

A God who simply is~

I was reminded of a very important truth as I listened to a sermon at church this morning.

It's two simple words - "God IS"

This truth may be very simple, but it really means so much for us as believers in Christ.
