Saturday, September 6

Final Testament Part II: Revolution

In the beginning was a perfect world.
Everything was in a state of bliss.

Then suddenly, it seemed all too good to be true.

We screwed things up by rebelling.
Everything came crashing down.
Sin came into the world along with pain and suffering.

It was all because God gave us a choice.

The choice was either Him, or the contrary.

We chose the contrary.

Knowing God as completely Sovereign, I believe there is some ultimate 'good' from Him allowing our rebellion. And with this in mind, I sought answers.

I go more in depth about my thoughts of why God allowed pain and suffering into there world in another post, so I'll only go over it briefly here.

I believe that God in giving us this choice to be with or without Him allows a true relationship to take place, the reason He created us in the first place.
A relationship isn't staged, both members must enter the relationship out of their own free will.

So a choice is a necessity.
But was us choosing the contrary within God's control?

Definitely so.
I believe the contrary will ultimately always take us back to God if given the opportunity to do so, but not only that, it'll be even more ideal than not choosing the contrary and choosing God blindly.

Hear me out.
If you choose to be with God without knowing the other options, is it really a choice? Isn't it pretty staged if you go with what you're most familiar/comfortable with?

With this in mind, I believe the contrary - rebelling against God - is necessary for us to make a genuine choice to be with God.

When we choose the world, it'll eventually drain our life. The pleasures won't last. We'll falter and we'll realise how screwed up we are. But this can only come with experience.
In doing so, this will exemplify God's greatness in our lives, because we truly realise that we're screwed up and need something greater in our lives. We'll realise He was right all along, and we owe Him everything for rebelling - we'll be truly humble with failures in the presence of His greatness.

So with this in mind, I made my choice.

I've been brought up in a Christian environment all my life, I've been trained to act like a Christian, speak like a Christian, think like a Christian.

When I decided to decided to choose the contrary I noticed that I still thanked God for everything, I still talked to Him constantly, even though I had chosen otherwise.
These were now just meaningless notions carved into my mind since birth.

What I just wrote above could almost be like downloaded into me.
 I could have written that in my sleep.

My mind is biased.
I need to think for myself.
Without influence.

I believe to be a true Christian, I need to break free of all of this.
To discover God for myself; no family traditions, no church culture, no Christian influences.
Just Me, The World, and God.

That is my choice.

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