Thursday, February 5

Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!

Originally, this post was going to be about how I've come to realise that once I've discovered a 'purpose' to live with, it's hard to live without one.

But as I continued on with it, I realised I started listing the negative things about living a life without meaning, and I couldn't carry on, cause hey, who likes negativity right?

Anyways, life has actually been quite good on my part.
Well at least what most people would consider good.
But here I am, doubting the 'goodness' of it...

To spare the details, I haven't fallen into the abyss of boredom during my holidays yet. I've been somewhat productive. I started reading again (X-men mainly). I've been having the best hangouts with my awesome friends. And I may have actually found a job to kill the remainder of my time.

I've been bursting with positive energy.
Life couldn't get any better right?

I feel blessed cause life is going so well.
But what if life was going sh*t.
Would I still feel so blessed?

It's so easy to live so purposefully and full of inspiration when things are going our way. But once we hit a curb, trip over, and *facepalm*, we start having doubts about this so called meaningful life.
We may even doubt any reason to live anymore.

Even though I'm trying my best to savour every moment of my 'cruisy life', there's a part of me that dreads the future, knowing that this won't last forever.

It won't, and it shouldn't.

Living isn't just about all the what we call "good moments", but also the sh*t that happens.
It's a package as a whole we've all been given.

And it's meant to be an awesome package.
Everything in it.

Living a meaningful and enjoyable life shouldn't just be about the good things that come our way, but should also include when we're being tossed around and shaken to our core.
In fact, life wouldn't be complete without the hard times.

It's not easy, but I encourage you to continue to live, to embrace the joys of life even when they require quite a bit of effort to find.

"The wind rises… We must try to live!"

Until next time~

The Boy Who Stopped the World - Aaron Sprinkle

One Heart/Million Voices - New Empire

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