Sunday, September 2

Physical Growth

I thought I'd just share my more "physical" part of my life today.
Well as some of you will know, I've been doing strength training (on & off) for the past... 3-4 years now?
I actually started, believe it or not, out of fear.

Since i can remember, I've always been a sort of wimpy kid. The sort that always got taken advantage of by others. I was especially scared of the so called "islanders", since I'd been bullied by them countless times in my childhood years.
Well, when i was around 12, just about to enter high school, i found out I'd be going to a high school with a high percentage of these "islanders". You have no idea how scared i was at that time, so scared that i started working out vigorously. I remember doing so many push ups every morning, i was that scared.
Well it paid off, i actually ended up with a decent physique when i started high school, decent enough not to be bullied. Ever since then, having a 'good physique' has been a part of me, and something worth maintaining.

One thing that did get in the way though, was a so-called-theory of stunted growth.
This put me off for quite a while, and still does to some extent.
I stayed away from the weights, leaving the only option my body weight.
Entering high school at 13, i was actually considerably tall compared to all the others. But as the years went on, as i kept working out hard, i soon realized i hadn't grown taller at all after a whole two years.
I was so sure I'd stunted my growth, two whole years of not one cm. taller, it could've only been because of all the working out~

After this realization, i slowed down on workouts, i did it very occasionally just to 'maintain' my physique. This went on for around a year.
After still not growing, even though I'd slowed down on working out, i started to get desperate, doing lots of research into the topic of "stunted growth". I really didn't want to be the height of a 13yr old for the rest of my life.
Also around this time, i caught up with a friend of mine i hadn't seen in quite a while. The last time I'd seen him, he was more or less fat, unfit, & just not very aesthetically appealing. But what he did have was height.
Well when i saw him this time, around a year later, I can remember being so happy for him (& also a little jealous). Those three things i mentioned earlier were completely antonyms for what he was now. He had managed to completely turn his life around. He has been one of my inspirations in this area of life ever since, and one thing he thinks is completely stupid is "stunted growth".

So after becoming good mates with him and all, i decided to cross the line a bit, i started getting more serious about working out. Though i still allow myself only to use my body weight. I was still very worried about my height, so i started with things like skipping, swimming, stretching every morning, i also made an effort to change my posture (less slumped). But the things that stood out were eating & sleeping.

Through all my research, i realized that before, when i was working out, I had completely deprived my body to growing taller; since all nutrients i was taking in was being used for muscles. I had also been 'dieting' at that time. So it didn't work out for my body either way.
I also had bad sleeping habits/cycles, very inconsistent, and very short hours.
Well I'm glad to say though, when i started working out this year, i started off well, at double the amount i normally eat (yup, I'm fat), and also made an effort to sleep early every night. And guess what, i actually grew!
This was like a dream come true for me.

Well to the core now, i mainly decided to share this cause that friend i mentioned above, came to me lately & offered me a training program involving weights.
But there's still a part of me that just wants to stay away from the weights until I've grown to the height i want (177cm). The main thing is, i really don't know what's stopping me, I've found out stunted growth isn't actually real, even proved it. I also have to admit here, i think I'm "buff enough" for my current height.
I kind of can't say no though, since he's being so nice, putting all the time and effort into helping me. What's worse, i can't really telling him a reason if i decline, I've hit a brick wall here.

Also lately, my motivation for working out has been very 'choppy', sometimes I'm so hyped up, sometimes i just can't be bothered. My workouts has also been very repetitive and is starting to lose it's touch. Everything has it's ups and downs, it's a matter of if you're willing to keep going towards your goals despite these.

That's basically my life of workouts, at the moment, summed up in less than 1000 words.
I'd be extremely surprised if you managed to make it up to here.
I'm actually surprised i managed to write so much, sorry.

But anyways, that's all, hope this helped in some way or another.
Cheers & God bless~

