I knowingly turned my back to God, even when He calls for me to go to Him.
When He blesses me, I take it for granted, then when He asks me for a favour, I spit in His face.
He still continues guide me through life though, but I push Him away and walk my own way.
At this point I know I don't deserve anything good, I deserve to be disciplined, I deserve the storm, I deserve to be punished.
Then at these times, God blesses me.
I'm completely like..
Why would He bless me?
Wouldn't it be way more worth it to bless another who actually "deserves" the blessing?
Wouldn't it be way more worth it to bless another who actually "deserves" the blessing?
God is really hard to understand at times.
Our minds are extremely small compared to His.
Alot of the time, we cannot even comprehend what God does in our lives.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 50:8-9
In our eyes, we may see that bad deeds must be punished & good rewarded.
But God sees different, whether someone does good or bad, He loves.
But God sees different, whether someone does good or bad, He loves.
It's truly amazing how He's able to do this, especially when we continuously sin against Him.
We can really learn from this. We should pray for a heart to love no matter what may happen to us.
We also shouldn't take our blessings for granted, we don't deserve any blessings from God, yet our life.
Everything we're given, we never deserved.
It is ALL by God's grace we are, we have, & we can be.
Think about what it'd feel like if your dad just started handing you $100 notes everyday all of a sudden. At first you'd be like, "woah, thanks so much dad, why?" You'll definitely know you did nothing to deserve it.
Then as the days turn to years, you'd probably start "getting used to it". I'm sure you'll start taking it for granted. When your dad stops giving you $100 for one day, you might even start to question & get angry at him.
Go right back to the start.
Where you were nothing, and God made you something.
Learn to be content with your life & every blessing God pours out in it.
Then hopefully blessings won't be taken for granted, but instead our hearts filled with gratitude.
Also, when life completely caves in, remember how God's ways are so much higher than ours, & everything He does is for the good of us.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28
Until next time,
To My Surprise - Eowyn
Amen! :D