Sunday, December 2

Branded as Christian

Something hit me hard at TnT today.
It was one statement the teacher said.

"I wouldn't want to do anything that may make people question if I'm really a Christian or not"

It made me realize how now that ever since I've declared myself a follow of Christ, that I too now carry Christ's name. It forced me to reflect on how I've been living this out recently. Which I haven't really been doing so.

To be honest, for the past month or more, the only time I make contact with people outside of my house is only when I go to fello or church.  But likewise, my 'homelife' hasn't really been carrying Christ's name as I should be.

Christian's nowadays live in a world of expectations.
Alot of the time, when a non-christian is asked what's a Christian like, it'd normally be something along the lines of someone that's nice, kinda, humble etc. That's how most people would perceive Christians.
I think this is a good thing, it helps us as Christians stand out a bit in this broken world. It may leave others wondering how we're able to show such great signs of love & want to find out more. But at the same time, we've been branded. We have expectations to live by. But once we cross the line a bit, by losing our temper, getting stressed, making a little mistake, we may be perceived completely differently.
People may start asking questions like, "are they actually a Christian?" "So is that what it means to be a Christian? It's really not so different." It does not do Christ's name any good.

Nonetheless, all Christians, whether latent or passionate are witnesses for Christ.

I have been somewhat latent lately.
Though all my friends know I'm a Christian, I realized that if I actually decided to hang out with them, I wouldn't be really living out a accurate image of Christ in me with my daily life. I would be just like them, nothing special, all the same. If they put some thought into my Christianity, there'd be nothing to urge them to find out more. This is the danger of being latent in Christ. Though I may be a Christian, I wouldn't be portraying an accurate image of Christ in my life, or what it's like to be a true follower of Christ. I may also be portraying a bad image of Christ, that may 'shoo' others away from God's love for us. I wouldn't be a good witness.

On the other hand, being passionate is great!
It means standing out. Taking the extra step to follow Jesus' footsteps. Maybe by being able to love in the most heated of fights, or by forgiving no matter what someone might have done. That type of stuff can be quite rare nowadays, & is really able to stand out. This will leave others amazed, & thirsting for the kind of love you're able to portray. It will also show what it means to really follow Christ, that it is so much more than just going to church every Sunday. It will paint a good image of Jesus Christ for others to see.

All Christians have been 'branded' to some extent.
We all bear the name of Christ. To portray the love He showed us.
How we live our lives decides how we portray Christ to the world.
Do you want to show the world how truly great Christ is or that He's no different the world?
It's your choice.


Stand - Flyleaf

Proof of Your Love - For King & Country

Jesus Freak - Newsboys


  1. Awesome message.
    Check out the new music video for "The Proof of Your love", I think you'll like it (:

