It's because I've had my head in X-men comics nearly 24/7 for the past month or so.
I have no idea why I never decided to pick up their comics until now. But I needed something to do in the holidays, & so I started reading them, from the very first issue that came out around 50 years ago.
So I'm not really a kid anymore (to some extent)
When I read books/comics or go to see movies, it's more than just wowing at the cool action or just for pure entertainment. I think more deeply 'bout what's happening.
That's why I enjoy reading X-men so much, there's so many themes, ideas, events that really trigger some quality deep thinking.

This is where genetics come in.
At school in biology class this year, I learnt a whole lot more about genetics. The specific structure behind our DNA, how the DNA is coded, how it's used to be expressed into what we look like. It was probably my favorite topic since it was so interesting from my point of view.
Ever since I started acquiring some knowledge to genetics (when I was around 13) it's always been something I enjoyed, something I could consider studying for the rest of my life, due to the many things you could do if you could control genes. Like for instance, a slight mutation triggered mutants such as the X-men, really powerful human beings. But as I grew spiritually as well, it's been taken out from my career path.
From my point of view genetics isn't the best way live out a life for God.
Every living being's specific genetic structure has been coded by God. Whether a plant is a tree or a flower, whether an animal is a cat or dog, whether we're black or white, it's God's decision.
And now humans are curious, they decide to look into how it all works, how such beautiful characteristics have been coded so wonderfully. Not only that, they want to change them, remove defects, make things more aesthetically approving in our eyes, or just plainly cause their not content with what they're like.
In my opinion, it's just us humans wanting to be in a bit more control.
We're not completely submitting to God's sovereignty, we don't completely trust Him, we're not happy with what God's given us.
Take being born with missing limbs for example. God has already decided for it to happen. It's a disastrous thing from what we see, but God still sees them as beautiful and just as acceptable as we are. Who are we to decide that having a full arm is better than none just cause it looks gross in our eyes? Some people may not be able to live a 'nice' life because of their defects. They will never be normal in society. But all the same, God still created them & loves them just as much as He loves us. They have already been given a life Christ, isn't that enough?
Once genetic research has advanced enough in the near future, it can become a powerful thing, a huge phenomenon. We may soon be able to change every aspect of our bodies permanently soon. Hair colour, eye shape, skin colour etc. To me, that's something I would want to stay away from. It's plainly us being unhappy 'bout who we are & trying to 'play god' by attempting to control our lives.
Who knows, they may even find a way to give humans super powers.
They could make us invincible or stop people from growing old.
Sooner or later, humans will believe they can be God, or maybe even they can beat God.
There are endless possibilities to genetics~
If I went into genetics, as more doors open , I'm sure it'd be irresistible to try & play god. I'm sure I'd be exactly the type of person I've just been talking about. It'd also really cloud my conscience, it may even leave me thinking that if I could have some control, maybe God isn't so great after all. That's why I've decided against going into genetics in the future unless there is really a way where I can serve God with clear intentions.
If I've been indulged in too much sci-fi, please let me know.
But as you guys continue to live your lives, I hope this may remind you that no matter what you do, how hard you try, or how much control you have, God is in control. Not only that, the way He controls things is perfect. It all works out for His glory & so He may love us.
Until next time,
On And On - Chasen
Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch
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