It was the end of another year, & the start of another.
For most, it meant time for a change, a resolution.
That was two weeks ago.
I hope for those of you out there that did make any resolutions, that they're still ongoing & you're continuing to strive to change for the better.
For me, two weeks ago, nothing happened.
Despite the start of a month that was the beginning of another year, nothing was new about it for me. Nothing changed, there were no resolutions, I continued to live as I did the previous year - just as sinfully.
So here I am today, two weeks later, to set some goals for this coming year.
I'm already two weeks too late, but here goes.
Firstly, I really want to make an effort to put a stop to a really sinful addiction I've had for many years. It won't be easy in any way at all, but anything is possible through God~
Secondly, as I took a break from badminton the whole of last year, quitting all clubs & competitions, I would like to get back into it this year. Not only do I just want to start playing more again, I want to get more seriously about it this year. As all of my badminton life I've never been able to play reps or any serious competitions since all competitions were on Sundays, now that that's changed for my age group this year, I would like to get much more serious about badminton. I plan to play at least 5 days a week & hopefully twice on some days this year. I also play to get one on one coaching to really polish up my skills. I really can't wait to take this one into action!
I also really want to do an decently 'in depth' study of the Bible each day this year on top of morning devotions. This will most definitely help me to know God better & give me a better knowledge of truth. I'll be recording my thoughts each time in a new blog I've made in the hopes of also helping you guys in your walks with God too. Feel free to check it out here: Pages Of Truth
So I've made a goal for my mental, physical & spiritual aspect of my life now.. I guess I should make one for the academic part of my life too!
You guys can hold me accountable for this one if you see me procrastinate at all this year.
I really want to strive to get top of the world in all my subjects at the end of the year. It's a crazy goal, but I feel it might be possible if I try hard enough. That will mean no time wasting at all in my free time, as I'll also have my badminton commitment to keep to too. But I feel I've wasted enough of my schooling abilities in year 11 & 12 by lazing around. So to make up for it, I'm going all out this year~
It's also probably the only way I will ever get to make my wish come true of studying college/university in America with a scholarship.
So these are my main goals for this year.
I think most of them are pretty reasonable & doable (except for the last one).
If you guys had any resolutions two weeks ago, I'll be praying for you, in hopes that you may have the strength & perseverance to strive on to accomplish them & live a better life for Him.
If you haven't yet, like I was a moment ago, you don't have to, but a chance to start new sounds good right? A new year is a huge motivation to do make a change & do things differently & better. Make the most of it!
If your past year was dreadful & full of regrets, I assure you that you can start again. All your regrets can be erased. You're most definitely not alone in this, though the choice is up to you. I'll be praying for you too.
So I hope this year may be full of joy in the darkest of times, full of strength when your'e weak, & endurance when time ticks slowly, for you all~
Happy "New" Year!
One Day Too Late - Skillet
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