Monday, March 25

The One Downfall

So I was having a nice start to refreshing week.

I was completely freed from my first job last Friday, which I have to say was extremely stressful but also an amazing experience. On top of that, I also had one of the best weekends I've had in a long time, spending time with really good friends, watching an amazing movie (Silver Linings Playbook) being able to attend and lead worship, I was so grateful for everything & was in high in spirits for the coming week.

Then I slipped.
I gave into the desires of my flesh.
I let temptation get the best of me.
As soon as that happened, every streak of colour in my life faded to grey and I was left full of guilt and without motivation to carry on living the rest of the week. It was as if all the joy I experienced in the past few days now suddenly became non-existent.

How on earth did that happen?
All that joy & happiness built up during the weekend was suddenly completely erased because of one sin. As a result of one sin, I was filled with guilt - the thing that completely brought me down.

Hope & joy is healthy to our minds.
Guilt, on the other hand, can poison our minds.

As we do something we know that displeases God, we become filled with guilt.
The feeling can range from a quick sharp jab to a 'it's the end of the world' kind of feeling. We may let it pass easily, or it may really dig deep and make us feel down & depressed for a long time.

As the reality of guilt seeps into our mind, it can really act like poison & completely destroy us. It has the power to mentally break us down, to immobilize us from living a joyful life to glorify God. It makes us think that life isn't worth living anymore as we're just so useless & pathetic.

I really feel that if we have only quick feelings of guilt that pass easily when we do something wrong, our line between 'right & wrong' has been tainted. When guilt doesn't slap us in the face each time we sin, it's when we've become too used to going about the wrong path & we really need to ask God to show us what's right & wrong once again. At this point we've become too accustomed to sin to see the destruction that reeks from it.

When we sin, we should feel guilt.
There should be a part in us that hurts at the fact that we've displeased God.
It's completely normal.

Though it can act as poison to our minds, it can only completely destroy us if we don't find hope. But thankfully, God has given everyone hope.

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me

Guilt can be great.
It really shows that we need a Saviour.
Guilt is the unresolved problem.
Christ is the resolved solution.

Guilt isn't an ideal feeling.
In an ideal world, there shouldn't be guilt, as it makes us feel bad.
It really shows us that in an ideal world, we would all have joy in pleasing God.
Guilt is the feeling of being separated from God in this imperfect world.
So this really shows us that we're ideally made for God!

Even though guilt is connected to sin & can lead to destruction, it can also lead us towards revival & restoration at the same time. It's all up to us, if we choose to fix our eyes on our problems when we're overcome with guilt or if we choose to remember the amazing hope Christ as given us.


♫ There's something deep inside
That keeps my faith alive~

Collide - Skillet

The Only One - The Letter Black

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