Thursday, April 18

I hate You God

So yesterday, I had one of my greatest fails.

I kind of woke up two hours late for school. 
Instead of waking up at 0630, I woke up at 0830, the time that school starts. You could imagine the look on my face as I saw the time. I literally leapt out of bed & frantically got ready for school.

There was no way I wasn't going to be late for school.. in fact, I was 50 minutes late for school.
And as some of you may know, the school I go to is quite strict & definitely doesn't tolerate lateness.

My first period was also with the dean for my year, a teacher all the little kids are scared of because of how strict she can be (she is a very good teacher though). All that was going through my mind as I rushed towards the classroom was what kind of detention I was going to be given - 'hopefully just a lunch time & not a dean's or after school detention'.

But as I walked into the class room while saying, "it was purely my fault Miss", all she said was "I should hit you" & I sat down in class & started my day at school.

I was super thankful to God. But that was probably it.
Not much thought went into it.

Guess what happened today..
Not exactly the same thing happened - if you really thought I was that bad.

I was extremely late again though.
Well not as extreme as yesterday.

I knew I'd at least be 5 mins late to class as I set out for home, and I'd definitely not be let off today, especially with what happened yesterday being recorded on my attendance.

As I sped my way to school, I have to admit I rushed a few orange/red lights, and my only hope of not being  late, despite my ruthless driving, was this on the chances of a specific traffic light not being jammed - which only happens on Fridays from my experience. On other days, I have to wait a good ten minutes before I can get through it. But as you might have guessed, as I approached that light today, there was more or less no traffic there at all! 

My first reaction was, "I hate you God".
As I think about it, whenever God greatly blesses me against all odds in circumstances like these, my first reaction is always that. Of course it's not 'hate hate', like I want to get rid of Him or want Him out of my life forever.. But it's more of a 'why the heck did you do that' hate, where I knew what I deserved, I was completely prepared to face the consequences, then God becomes the 'buzz kill. It's really a hate filled with sarcasm as well, as at the exact moment, I'm always so thankful of what He has done.

God always surprises me.
When things like this happen, I'm a person that likes to try & go through every possible event that might happen, even the very unlikely. In this example, it was how late I was going to be, what would happen about my lateness - maybe I'd get let off? I don't know why, but even though the thought of making it on time did pass me by today. This is just one example of my experiences with God in situations like these.

I've really learnt throughout my life through physical experiences, that how God works is always something our human minds cannot predict or think up. I always go through as many scenarios in my head as I can think of, but what God does in the end is always a bit, or even alot more different.

This constantly reminds me that God's ways are always so much better than ours, so much better that our minds cannot even think of. It's hard to grasp, but it really helps me trust in His ways more.
As from all my experiences, as I look back at each situation, what He did in my life has always worked out so much better than what I could have done myself.

"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. - Isaiah 55:8

Until next time,


Life Is Beautiful - The Afters

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