Tuesday, December 25

Adorable Baby Jesus

♫ O come let us adore Him~

While singing that song during a Christmas service today, I was left wondering what the lyrics really mean - what it means to adore Christ..

Tuesday, December 18

Top 7 Songs (2012)

It was really hard to pick 7 songs, since different songs has it's different impacts on different seasons of my life. These are 7 of the songs I feel that has impacted my life the most. I ended with a list of like 40 songs which I had to condense down to the 7.

Sunday, December 16

Pages Of Truth

Hey guys,
Thought I might let you know I'm going to start a new blog

Friday, December 14

How Long Could You Last?

♫ Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me~

Personally, that's an amazing aspect of God's love.
It never fails.

Wednesday, December 12

X-men, Genetics, & Playing god

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting as much as I used to be lately.
It's because I've had my head in X-men comics nearly 24/7 for the past month or so.

I have no idea why I never decided to pick up their comics until now. But I needed something to do in the holidays, & so I started reading them, from the very first issue that came out around 50 years ago.

Monday, December 10

Utterly & Absolutely Clean & Pure

Fire rages, faith is crumbled, tragically, yet love remains
Restoration, built on ruins, hope still lingers in this place 

Something hit me.
After I fell badly again.

Normally, I mope around in my sin for quite awhile.
I turn my face away from God because I'm so ashamed of what I've done. I feel so filthy that I can't possible ask for His forgiveness at the moment.
Time passes.

Pleasure of Sinning

We have many pleasures everyday.
Having a good night's sleep, a delicious breakfast, an effective workout, spending time with friends, learning lots of new things, these are a few of the many ways we fill our lives with pleasure.

Sunday, December 2

Branded as Christian

Something hit me hard at TnT today.
It was one statement the teacher said.

"I wouldn't want to do anything that may make people question if I'm really a Christian or not"
