Friday, September 14

Being "Ju Dun"

I have a kind of confession-ish thing to make.

I realized I'm never "ju dun" enough (sorry, this is the perfect canto word for it, can't put a finger on the English word for it) It means something along the lines of me having not enough initiative in a situation, & not taking advantage of it & doing what i want/need to do.
I more or less let every opportunity slip, unless there's a very legit reason to grasp the opportunity.

I always try to lay down any control whatsoever, cause I really want try make an effort to let God have control in every aspect of my life. It seems i may have "overdone" it, well actually done it wrong.
Don't get me wrong, letting God be in control of our lives is the best thing you could ever do. Your life will be completely bliss when you let put God in the "driver seat" of your life.

But even though God should be in complete control of our lives, He has given us freewill to make our own choices too.
Where I think where I went wrong is that I attempted to lay down even my freewill, tried to hand God every single aspect of my life for His control. This may sound pretty good, a perfect thing to do even. But really, i think it isn't. (sorry i write some incorrect theology following)

Let's put it this way, we're basically being a "remote control person", where God is the remote, and He literally directs our every path.
We have no control of what we want to do with our lives. It's also kind of like God playing with the whole human population as something along the lines of LEGO, or action figures. He just picks us up, does as He desires, without hearing our opinion, & when He's done, throws us back into the toy box until next time.

God is definitely not like that. He can do that nonetheless. But He chooses to give us freewill to do as we desire, with direct guidance from Him, The Bible. He doesn't "finish playing" with us, He's with us to the end. He loves us as human beings.

What kind of control should we give God then?
Basically, we should have such a relationship with Him that in everything we do, we do it out of our love for Him. Just like when we love someone, we will try to impress them in every way possible.
Also, the closer we get to God, the better we will know Him & His will for our lives, so we are able to know how to control our life the way He would want us to.
Once we love God & put Him above all else, that's when He will have control of our lives passively.

Anything that's within my control, i always hesitate before taking control. It can range from such small things as starting a conversation to deciding whether or not to take on a job. I always try to wait for a definite sign from God to do such things, but most of the time, it seems i'm by myself.
In this way, i always try make God control it, such as making the other person speak first, or making me take the job, or else i won't do anything about it.

After writing this, it still seems i really just can't be "ju dun" in alot of things. I guess i will have to sooner or later as i grow older & life continues to throw more at me. As i get closer to God & know Him better, I'm sure God I will know make me more "ju dun" in some way or another, whether in public witnessing, or contributing more to the community.

As you guys continue to live your lives, I hope you follow God's guidance and be "ju dun" whenever needed.

Until next time,

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