Monday, September 3

Wasted Life

How do you define life?
How much do you value life?
What is life?

Sometimes we can cherish it so much, when the sun shines wherever we go, when goodness floods in non-stop. We can be so conscious of it, enjoying it for just the very moment in time.

But sometimes it may cave in, nothing seems right, there seems to be no purpose to it anymore, & existence is questioned. It is despised, maybe even desired to end.

Other times it just passes so quickly. Just keeps going. Days go by unnoticed.
Then finally we managed to catch up to it, slow it down, & realize how much time was wasted.
How much time was spent into doing things that didn't need to be done.
This is when regrets come in, when you realize how valuable life is, and you just let it pass without cherishing every moment.

We don't deserve to exist, it may sound harsh, but we don't.
It is only by God's choice we are here, entirely because of His love for us.
So what does that mean to us, for our lives?

Well first of all, since God breathed life into us, we more or less owe it all back to Him.
What CAN we 'owe' to God though, since He's God & needs nothing?
Well firstly the least we can do is to make good use of this life right?
To not make a complete waste of it.

Lately, I've been doing exactly that.
I've been letting all my worries, my duties, my goals just get swept along in the torrent I let my life become.

As an example, last week I just sat a series of mock exams in preparation for my Cambridge AS level externals. As soon as i got the timetable, i had a look at all the times i wouldn't need to be at school and thought to myself "this is a holiday". Throughout this exam period, i more or less just relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of having less school for a whole week. The only preparation i did was read a bit over text books, which honestly didn't help me remember anything at all.

Today, i found out that i'd completely flunked my maths pure paper. Maths is normally where i score my high marks. I had been over-confident, lazy, and just purely a disappointment.
Not only had i failed myself, i had failed my teacher, (maybe my parents, if they find out), and most importantly I had failed my Creator.

I had decided to 'just chill' when i had a purpose of doing my best at school for the glory of God. Instead i had decided to do anything but that, just because i couldn't be bothered. On top of all this, I've also been quite slack in spending time with God lately, I've been quite slack with maintaining my physical health, I've been quite slack with anything that required effort. As a result my days just flew past while i enjoyed the temporary pleasure of relaxation. Nothing productive was done, and i can't say i loved life, most important of all, I wasn't able to make good use of this gift of life God has given me.

I'm not trying to say we shouldn't relax, God does want us to enjoy life. But at the same time He wants us to make good use of our lives. We should learn to cherish every moment, the good and the bad. We shouldn't hate life when it caves in, but we should know it will make us stronger. God will never give us more than we can handle. At the end of the day, we shouldn't take our lives for granted, it's something we never did & never will deserve. We should try our best to put our lives to good use, do our best in everything to bring glory to our Creator, to make Him proud.

Don't let our lives become wasted!

So as you continue to live your life, I hope you may treasure it & strive to do your best.


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