Wednesday, October 24


Hmm.. what might this be?
You're probably doing it right now just by reading my blog..
Probably the longest 'p' word you're very familiar with.
You've probably guessed already.

Haha~ blogging about this might make me a 'hypocrite' in itself, since I'm kinda procrastinating while blogging... but anyways, here goes.

Well I mainly got the idea to blog about this from a song I heard while listening to
The lyrics really amused me, even though the genre is not exactly my style.

I found it pretty cool that a whole song was written about procrastinating, especially from a Christian's point of view.
Procrastinating is probably one of the most drag-downs for most of the students out there, and maybe even everyone else.
Or maybe it's just me..
Cause I'm extremely bad with procrastinating..

Well today I had my first 'heavy exam', which I'm glad to say didn't go too bad at all. The paper was pretty easy & short. What does worry me a bit is that everyone will probably do very well because they studied more & marks will be scaled down. But we'll see where God wants to take me.
Exciting stuff.

I actually studied a decent amount for it! (surprising right?)...
The night & morning before though. Woke up extra early today to force more knowledge into my head.
I kinda left it so last minute I didn't end up finishing all the past exam papers I printed out.
Here's a heads up, don't cram, it's alot less stressful to slowly prepare in advance. (I think. Still need to try it out, but I'm sure it works)

So all this stuff I could have done, but didn't do.. is the result of procrastination right? Procrastination caused me to be so lazy. "Only if procrastination didn't exist" alot of us all wish.
Uhmm I think not..

WE allow it to exist. WE create it. WE make it an excuse.
Procrastination doesn't make us lazy, we create it in our laziness.
When we realize we have just completely wasted time by doing nothing.. why yes, let's make word that covers up this laziness, 'procrastination'. I just procrastinated, sounds like I did something right? Wasn't being lazy at all...

The word is pretty overused nowadays. Probably cause noone likes to go around saying how lazy they are, they'd just sound pretty pathetic. It's not a good thing that it's overused though, this shows how alot of people out there are struggling in their own laziness, including myself.
Well really, I don't think laziness was ever intended for us at all.
We brought it on ourselves.

Since the beginning, when God created the first man Adam, it says in the Bible.
"The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." - Genesis 2:15
Yup, work. If the chapter after this didn't exist, I think we'd have a whole different take on the idea of "work". The next chapter is where sin is first introduced, when man gets separated from God, when all the perfection of the first two chapters goes down the drain.
It's where "hard work" is introduced.

"It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground," - Gen 3:18-19a

Work was meant to be enjoyable, something productive to pass time, I don't think it was meant to be hard or painful either. It only became hard when we decided to disobey God.
When sin entered the world.

So as a result of work being hard, we tried to get around doing it at all.
Laziness was created, & then the excuse of procrastination.
You see now. It's all our fault.
There's no 'imaginary force' preventing us from getting any work done.
It's us choosing not to do it.

As I said before, God created work to be enjoyable, something productive to do.
It was like that when God asked Adam to look after the garden & all it's creatures.
It still is whether we're trying to do homework, study hard for exams, or earn a living!
Isn't that nice to know, that God puts us in all of this stuff because He wants us to enjoy it & be productive?

Yea I know.. study & all the other work we have to do nowadays is the exact opposite of enjoyable more or less all the time. It's probably even treacherous.
Think about it this way, if you had no work to do at all, just like left it all right at this moment & just did nothing that required any effort for the rest of your life. Would that be enjoyable?
It really wouldn't be after careful thought.
So in this context, by giving us work to do, God is really satisfying our boredom, something that's agreeably not enjoyable. If something isn't unenjoyable, then it must then be enjoyable to some extent right? God is also giving us a job to do for Him, do you really want to turn that down?

So really.. who are we to say that our jobs are unenjoyable? Be grateful!
However hard or unejoyable work may seem, God will never give you more than you can handle. Also, remember that it's our fault it's unejoyable in the first place..

We also need to work to 'get somewhere' in life.
But why does it require so much effort? Why can't it be easier?
In that case, if it was always easy, then we wouldn't be getting anywhere, it wouldn't push us to become better. Like if you did easy children's maths for all your school years, you wouldn't be getting any better right?

We're also made for work.
As soon as God made man, He told him to work.
So even though a job may be excruciating, we were created perfectly to be capable of doing it.
We were also created for it to be enjoyable. But sin has made us become lazy, become blind to this.
There is a part of you that enjoys work, it's there, you just have to find it.

I hope as we continue to live our lives, we may remember that it's not procrastination's fault. We're able to overcome our laziness ourselves.
Also we should learn to see every work we're given as a privilege, and not take it for granted.
Last of all, our work is actually not how awful we may see it as, we've been clouded to how enjoyable it really is. It won't be easy, but learn to enjoy it.
You're not alone on this.

Until next time.

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