Sunday, October 21

There's so much more to this..

I thought I just had to blog again today, since Sunday seems to be my "blogging day" & also I'm not sure if I will be able to blog for a while. Got three exams next week, one really heavy one, then have one more heavy one the week after. But after that I should have a bit more free time, get to actually enjoy my "study leave".

So today, first of all, I want to share one of the ways I motivate myself to study.
To be honest, this "study" thing hasn't exactly worked for me at the moment.. But I'm like planning to finally study properly for a whole day tomorrow.. (wow right?) You're probably thinking I'll just hold it off again like the many other times.. But no.. I kinda have only two more days to study for this pretty important exam, so yup, I kinda have to or I'll be more of a disappointment than I already am.

Well does that leave me with nothing to share? Cause my motivation to study doesn't seem to have worked?
Haha well, it somehow works ok?.. It’s helped me be less lazy I guess, & has helped me study a little?
You can judge if that's good enough or not.

But nonetheless, my motivation is look forward to my huge holiday after the exams.
I think about the hours I can completely be free of any school work.
All that free time to do basically anything.
Having enough time to perfect skills I normally wouldn't have time for.
Also time to learn new skills.
Maybe get a job, earn some money.
Enjoy some time to relax.
Sounds soooooo much better right?
I just have to get through these exams.. & tadaa, I have my holiday.

Well I assume for most of you, the idea of studying is treacherous.
It's not fun.
It's hard to get into doing, easy to be distracted from.
It's boring.

You know what, there was a time I actually enjoyed studying.
I loved learning, like I would borrow books from the library & learn extra stuff in my free time.
I remember actually being able to study, reading through my notes book & trying hard to remember things. I would study before I sleep, & recite what I studied as soon as I woke up.
Haha~ those were the days of "Jonathan". Pretty "nerdy" days.
I kinda wish I could call back that 'version of me' this moment so I don't have to go through the trouble of trying to study.

Well as I was thinking about this, having to 'suffer' through all this studying, it's definitely for something good right? It'll help me learn more, use the talents God has given me, & make good use of my life.
Also, once I 'struggle' through this, I'll have my freedom, a long holiday.
You could say that either way (even if I didn't study) I could still have my holiday.. But that's just ridiculous to even think about, that's just wrong. I would have completely wasted all opportunities of schooling God has given me this year. So yea, that's out of the question to even think about..

Well as I thought about it more, the idea is very similar to us Christians having to 'endure' our time in this broken world. The temptations, our flesh, & Satan. But in the same way, there's a 'holiday' at the end we can look forward to, eternity with God.

That is probably a Christian's greatest hope, what we live for.
IF eternal life didn't exist, we would be no different to anyone else. We would probably just live life as it is, enjoying what the world gives us. We would be without a purpose to live..

But it does exist!
The Bible promises us many times the gift of eternal life.

"And this is what he promised us- even eternal life." - 1 John 2:25

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

"the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." – Galatians 6:8b

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" - John 11:25-26

Those are just a few examples.
Some of you may be thinking.. live forever? Is this guy crazy?
Haha, yes I am.
To be honest, even I have trouble getting my head around this at times.
It's just beyond what our minds can comprehend. We learn about death quite soon as we grow up.. Then comes this idea of not dying? Whaaaaaatt?
But you know what. Why waste time trying to understand something we're not 'programmed' to understand when you can believe it & know it's true, since you've been reassured by God Himself?

Mike Donehey from Tenth Avenue North writes a really compelling blog for one of his new songs, "Where Life Will Never Die" about how we're actually not of this world, how we're actually made to be with God forever since the beginning. It's definitely a must read. Check it out here. <-- (click 'here')

He even states he has trouble fully convincing himself at times that we're not at home here. He says: "No matter how many times I tell myself, I just can’t seem to get it through my thick skull."
It's a very hard truth to accept. Probably even more for those of you who aren't so familiar to "all this stuff". It may even sound completely absurd.

Dying on earth isn't it.. there's more after physical death, someplace better than earth.
So like, we'll be transported to another planet & respawned or something right??
We humans always tend to always think of things in the physical aspect, that's what we do best I guess. But this 'eternal life' we have been promised, is not for our flesh, it's for the part of us that really defines us. The part of us that will last forever. Our soul.

It's a very hard thing to believe, especially in the world we live in.
But think about it..
You were actually created for perfection since the beginning. For none of this pain, grief, dissatisfaction the world offers. You were created to be with The Creator himself, forever. To enjoy happiness beyond what we've ever experienced.

But ever since sin entered the world, our minds have been clouded by it, we've lost our sight of this hope.. This doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore though; it's still most definitely there.
We just need to overcome this sin, ask the LORD to uncloud us.. Imagine what we could see then!
This will be easier for some, harder than others. But we're all made by God & in His image, so we all definitely have the potential to be with God forever.

Ahh... I've probably made this blog post a bit too heavy.. Hopefully it's still understandable to some extent, & it isn't too much to take in.

But once we look at life from this point of view, there'll be so much more to live for!
All this "bad stuff" that happens daily is only for now, you have the rest of eternity to enjoy the "good stuff".
Life will be so much more worth the living, we'll want to step out of your comfort zone & convince others of this truth, so they may also enjoy this life.
Think about it..


My Home - TFK

Best Is Yet To Come - Red

Already Home - TFK

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